Article and Interview by Karolin Elmquist

With a new album in the pipeline, a recording studio in the Carribean, and with his already established distribution company, it is hard not to look positively at life. But Nile Rodgers career hasn't all been smooth sailing, and he has experienced more than most people have during their lifetime. It is almost 10 years since his best friend suddenly died, during a concert in Japan . Nile tells us in this openhearted interview, not only about his time with Chic, Studio 54, how he has managed his career, the loss of his best friend and what really happened that fateful night, but also what he has accomplished and what he is looking forward to today.

Nile Rodgers, now 53 years old, is one of the hottest music producers in the USA , with a resumé which can make any successful artist green with envy. Nile grew up in New York City and his passion for music started early. He studied music and jazz at the renowned Juilliard School and it was there he realized that music was his calling in life. But even if Nile 's talent was bigger than most, the road to stardom was far from easy.

Nile has just recently come back to the US after touring with Chic in Europe the whole summer. At the moment he is relaxing in his house in Connecticut , which he bought when Chic had their first success in the 70s.

"I love this place", he says. "It's right on the water and here I can relax and see my friends." The house also has its own recording studio designed by Nile .

When I ask him which was his favorite gig in Europe this year he replied; " Roskilde without a doubt."

I soon understand why he has a preference for our dear neighbour country. Nile says they have a special system where they rate all bands between 1 and 5 stars. Duran Duran got 1 star. Green Day got 5 stars. Chic were the last band to perform and they got 6 stars. "Do you get it", says Nile . "SIX STARS, of 5 possible!"

The time with Bernard Edwards

For more than 30 years the bass player Bernard Edwards and the guitarist Nile were the best of friends and members in the same band. Together they created the rock band The Big Apple Band and played on different gigs in New York City . In 1977 they got together with drummer Tony Thompson and started the band Chic. During their tour of Japan in 1996, Bernard suddenly fell ill, and was found dead the next day. The memory of his best friend is still strong.

When I ask about their relationship, he goes quiet for awhile.

"It is hard for people to understand the kind of relationship we had. Bernard and I had an exceptional and unique relationship. He was my best friend and we had an affinity for each other that is hard to describe. How do you explain to your own family that you are closer to your best friend than your mother. Of course, I love my family, but with Bernard it was different."

He continues to say that friends who sometimes heard them raise their voices came to the conclusion that they were arguing, but that was not the case. "We never argued", says Nile .

Nile laughs hearty and loud when I ask how they as teens first met. It's a rather funny story according to Nile .

"I was seventeen and lived with my then girlfriend and her mother. For some reason my girlfriend's mother got the notion that I would like this guy she had met at the post office who also played in a band. She got his phone number and I called him up and asked him if he would consider playing with me." The conversation wasn't going as well as Nile had hoped for and it ended with Bernard telling him never to call him again under any circumstance. A couple of months went by and Nile played almost every weekend at some club in New York and it was there he discovered this guy with enormous talent and charisma.

"We saw each other practically every weekend. Our respect for each other was immediate and we started playing together. One day when we were on the subway my girlfriend's mother gets on and I assumed she was heading towards me to say hello. Instead, she approaches the guy I'm with and says ‘hello'. I'm completely baffled, and wondering how they know each other. She looks at me and says ‘I knew you would like each other'. Bernard and I look bewilderingly at each other and she goes on: ‘This is the guy I met at the post office.' Bernard and I look at each other and simultaneously burst out."

"'Oh no, that was you!' And then we both started laughing."

The Breakthrough

Chic broke through at the end of the 70s. Even if everyone in the band had great talents it was harder than one can imagine to get into the music business and be taken seriously, according to Nile , partly because they were black. The stereotype was that black people could not play rock. During this time Studio 54 was one of the most famous and talked about clubs in New York City . Everyone from supermodels to musicians and artists of all kinds went there.

"It was an amazing time", says Nile . "It is difficult to explain to someone who wasn't there what a phenomena it was."

He continues: "I have been to the coolest clubs all over Europe and the US , but the truth is none of them can compare with Studio 54. There never was and still doesn't exist any place like Studio 54. So many unique and talented people gathered at this one place, but it was also a hangout for the trendy. The mood was always on top, the music fantastic, the people... everything."

"It was not necessary to be a celebrity to get in to Studio 54, it was more about personality and style. If you had the right clothes or if you projected something special."

The doormen used this, and there were many people who were denied entry - something that the band Chic also became well aware of one night. Personally invited by Grace Jones, they thought it was a certainty that they would get in. When they got there they discovered that they were not on the guestlist. The doormen refused to let them in.

"It didn't matter who you were, and in a way that was the appeal of Studio 54. Many times it was just a matter of the right outfit to get in, something different, something that would get noticed. A known name sometimes didn't matter at all."

Disappointed and angry they left. As it was an unusually cold night and there was snow everywhere on the streets they decided to go home, and jam for a while at Nile 's apartment which was only a block away. Once there, they started to sing what was on their minds, and the lyrics showed their obvious frustration.

"Aaaahh Fuck off ...Le Freak, C'est Chic."

Bernard said, "This is great, we could use this!"

I was sure he was kidding and told him so, but it turned out later that Bernard had been completely serious. Despite the fact that some lyrics got changed since that night, the megahit "Le Freak" was born, and it became one of the biggest disco hits in history.

Chic disbanded in 1983 but got together again in 1992. In total, Chic has released 11 albums not counting Nile 's four solo albums. During his almost 10 year long break from Chic, Nile helped artists such as Madonna, Duran Duran, Diana Ross, and David Bowie to produce their most successful albums. These artist are just a few he has worked with, so it is no surprise he has been named as one of the most talented producers of all time.

A Fateful Night

Next year in April Chic is planning to release a new album. It is exactly 10 years after the death of Bernard Edwards during their tour in Japan . The album is dedicated to Bernard and Nile is enormously proud of it.

"When we were working with the album it felt completely right to release it exactly 10 years after Bernard's death. It is an important date and his memory is still alive in our hearts, in my heart."

That fateful night is deeply rooted within Nile and probably always will be. When I ask him what really happened that night nine years ago the words come easy but with filled with great seriousness.

It was just before they were to go on stage and Nile remembers he thought Bernard looked out of sorts. A doctor was called and he said Bernard should be sent to the hospital immediately. Bernard refused despite a very high fever and asked the doctor to give him a vitamin injection. He said that he could be admitted to the hospital after the show. "Absolutely not!”, the doctor said and ordered him to go to the hospital immediately.

"The doctor didn't understand how faithful we are to our fans", Nile says. "We would never admit ourselves right before a show, perhaps after, but never before or during."

So despite what the doctor had insisted on, Bernard got his injection, and in a matter of minutes the band was out on stage. Nile remembers an instance during one of the songs where Bernard had stopped playing, but he didn't understand what was happening and thought that his friend was trying something new.

"I wasn't looking at Bernard, but thought, wow that change in the routine sounded great. He later discovered that Bernard hadn't changed the routine, but had passed out for a minute."

After the show Bernard went to his room to rest and Nile went with the band to a restaurant. The morning after he knocked on Bernard's door, but got no reply.

"I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Bernard's feet and I probably knew at that moment that something wasn't quite right. I rushed in and felt his skin and it was the same temperature as the table. I panicked when I understood that he was gone - dead."

Nile took the loss of his best friend very hard.

Bernard's cause of death was pneumonia.

Future Plans

Today Nile owns his own distribution company, Sumthing Distribution started in 1998. At the moment they are focusing on a new but incredibly popular genre: music for videogames.

As if this would not be enough Nile is also about to open his own recording studio in the Caribbean . Amanyara Resort is set to be finished this winter. According to Nile it is the perfect place to combine work with vacation.

The conversation is nearing its end, and I ask Nile what he first thinks of when asked to describe the time with Chic. After some consideration he says:

"I have to say the people, their clothes and the fashion during the 70s. It was indescribable. To see all these well dressed women and men give everything on the dance floor to our music. That was worth everything."

The last question was what he thinks of when asked about Sweden .

"I don't know much about Sweden unfortunately, but I remember that one of our best concerts was in Stockholm . What I remember best is a conversation I had with Prince and he told me I had to change my schedule and play in Stockholm instead. Sure I like Sweden , but I was still somewhat irritated at Prince and wondered why in the world I should change our whole schedule?"

Prince laughed and said the answer was simple: "All the girls are beautiful, they only drive nice cars and they can dance. What more can you wish for?"

The answer to that question is simple: "Not much", says Nile , "not much."